Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 2 of My Juice Fast Detox

Day 2 was a lot harder than day 1. I felt like I was hungry all day. For breakfast I had a detox drink which contained 2 cups of blueberries 2 cups blackberries and 1 cup kiwi. In between drinks I drank water with lemon juice to help cleanse my system. I decided for the days that I was at school all day that I should try to juice more than one drink and store it in the refrigerator. So I juiced about four small Tupperware containers of juice and put them in the fridge  That night I went to drink one and it smelled awful!!! So I went and looked up how long you should store fresh juice. I read that it should only be store about 4 hours and it even loses some of it's health properties after 2 hours. So even though it is a little inconvenient to juice fresh every single meal it is definitely worth it for the freshness of the juice and the taste.So you get to learn from my awful mistake. I probably wasted a lot of money since I had to throw out the juice I "stored" but I saved you some. Lesson learned.

Happy Juicing!

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