Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How Does the Juice Taste

I have been asked my several people how the juice actually taste. That all depend on what you are adding to the juice. When you are starting I recommend using fruits you like  at first and gradually adding small amounts of fruits and veggies. Veggies like celery are Very strong!

Only add one stalk if you don't like the taste of celery and add an acid like pineapple or a berry to cover that. Other than that the juice is a little thick and has no pulp. The machine takes all the pulp out for you. I do NOT recommend using a blender.

I prefer to try and drink the juice all at once. Don't sip on it like you would any other drink. Try to get it down as quick as possible,not because it taste bad but because it starts to thicken.
If you have any other questions feel free to leave comments!!

Happy Juicing!

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